What's the Best Way to Secure Mailing Tube Ends?

Mailing tubes allow you to send all sorts of items, from posters and blueprints to tapestries and sports equipment. The ends of the tubes obviously have to be sealed, but anyone who has dealt with these tubes before knows that the ends receive a lot of abuse during shipping. For example, if the tubes are tossed against other packages in transit, they can pop open unexpectedly even if you tape them down well. Figuring out how to seal the tubes isn't that difficult; you just need to know what to look at when you get the tube ready.

Seal the Stuff Inside First

Most people just place whatever items they plan to mail into the tube and then seal the tube. This leads to a couple of problems. One is that loose items can roll around inside the tube and crash into the ends if the tube is jolted. That impact can contribute to the ends popping open. The other issue is that, even if the tube isn't jolted, if the ends come open somehow, those loose items can drop out of the tube and be lost or damaged.

It helps to seal the stuff that's inside the tube first. For example, if you're sending a couple of posters, don't assume the posters will unroll just enough to wedge themselves against the inside of the tube and never fall out. The outer layer of paper might, but the rest can extend like a telescope and drop out of the tube if the end is open. Place the items in a plastic bag or shrink wrap, seal that, and then place that inside the tube.

Item Weight and Tape Tolerance

Pay attention to the tape you use to seal up the end. Shipping tape works for lighter items. If you're sending something like a heavy replica of a sword, however, the weight of the sword could cause one end of the tube to open if you hold the tube up. For heavier items, you'd need tape made for storage. This is sometimes sold as shipping tape, but the package will state if it can be used for storage. Some true shipping tape (the kind not meant for storage) has higher weight tolerances, so look for this product if you're regularly sending heavy objects through mailing tubes.

Note that if you're pre-packing mailing tubes that will sit for a bit before being mailed out, try using storage tape. This tape is less likely to come loose over time. The type of tape you use may vary between the packages you have to send, so keep a supply of a couple of different types. Decide what type of internal packaging works well for you, too, so you can mail things in tubes with little risk.

To learn more, contact custom mailing tube suppliers. 
